Unpacking after the ski tour, I came across my hike garbage bag. I always have one with me, both for my own garbage and for whatever trash I find on the way. In more populated places, the second category often outweighs the first one. This time, however, 90% of it was snack wrappers.

Things I already knew, that this trip confirmed:

  • Skotte is an ideal snack for winter hikes. Dark chocolate with a chocolate and hazelnut filling – tastes good and is easy to chew in cold weather, unlike anything caramel-based, for example.
  • For winter hikes, choose snacks that you can eat while wearing mittens.
  • Winter hikes need more snacks than summer hikes. Yes, it’s heavy, but worth the weight. I went through a 100-gram chocolate bars (or equivalent) and a 200-250 gram bag of fruit and/or nuts daily.

Learnings and inspiration from this trip:

  • Most people count on everyone drinking tea or coffee. Don’t count on any saft/cordial being available (except in Norway).
  • Ice tea powder, while mostly sugar, is a convenient substitute for cordial – lightweight and spill-proof
  • Cup of soup is also a decent way to make an instant hot drink. I’ve always thought of instant soup as a meal, but a mostly useless one because it has almost no calories or nutrition. But as a drink it actually becomes useful.
  • Speaking of cup of soup: hot water + cup of soup + instant rice makes a decent snack. I didn’t know that instant rice existed.