All of sudden my laptop is not recognizing the monitor through the USB hub. I was going to work from home today, but working on just a tiny laptop screen would be bad for both my mood and my productivity, so that’s not going to happen. More commuting. Luckily I have another USB hub that I keep at the office and can bring home tonight – with a bit of luck, that will solve things.

When I first converted to making and wearing hand-knitted socks, I aimed for colours that would harmonize with other things I was wearing. Then I threw in just a couple of colourful pairs because the yarns looked amazing. For wearing at home, or perhaps to the office on Fridays.

Over time I’ve come to love the crazier socks more and more. The pink ones that at first looked garish now don’t even stand out any more. The more colour, the happier they make me. (These are made with Zauberball Crazy.)

There’s a brand of socks called Happy Socks; Adrian loves them. Mine are even happier.

And I realized after a while that nobody at work cares about the colour of my socks, so now I wear the colourful ones to the office as often as the mood strikes me, without thinking twice.

Sometimes I eat ice cream late at night. Not because I’m trying to be secret about it, but because I can enjoy it in a different way when the house is all quiet and nobody is talking to me.

Chocolate ice cream will always be the best kind.

I’m adding my own mends to the heirloom towel. This one will be more weaving than mending, because I hadn’t paid attention to it and didn’t see it was quite so worn. But unlike the dense fabric in the modern towels, this one is actually easy to work with. The coarser thread is much easier on the eyes.

Nysse is out all night doing whatever cats do at night. Comes home in the morning, eats, sleeps like a log. Making the most out of summer.

I’m also tired. Work is mildly chaotic – we’ve lost our project manager, so a lot of her duties have fallen onto me. And we’ve got a lot of front end work but not a lot of front end developers. Only one, actually. But the work needs to get done, so I’m also wearing a front end developer’s hat. Which is no heavier than my normal tasks, per se, but I have to google everything and test my work after every small handful of changes, and I never get into an actual flow where it feels easy. I make it work, but by the end of the day my brain is exhausted.

Kind of nice but also not quite what I had hoped for. But an interesting experiment, and a useful thing to have, and I enjoyed making it, and now I’ve learned something.

I’m going back and forth about adding a closure. I was thinking a button, first, because hook-and-loop tape on this would clash too badly with the style. But I also don’t want a buttonhole. So either nothing, or maybe snaps.

I love bleeding hearts/Lamprocapnos. They are so beautiful, both from afar and up close. Why are they not in every single garden?

After the cherry blossom season comes the cherry petal season.

Nysse has been in a fight, by the looks of it. There’s a small tear at the tip of his right ear, and an even longer scratch on the other side of the ear.

Not even three years old yet, and already gathering battle scars. But if cat years are like dog years, then his almost-three cat years would put him in his late teens as a human. A scrappy eighteen-year-old, hanging around and looking for trouble in dark alleys and cheap dive bars. Now all he needs to complete the picture is a bunch of old-school tattoos of broken hearts and roses.

He has most adversarial relationships with the local magpies, but I can’t imagine them getting close enough to each other to do such damage. Maybe another cat?