Nysse’s operation went well, according to the surgeon, but he needs to stay at the hospital until tomorrow.

Once he’s home, he’s been prescribed six weeks of rest. Above all, no jumping whatsoever, and no going up or down stairs. Since all our rooms have furniture that he absolutely would jump on, and removing the furniture is not an option, the only alternative is a cage.

The standard solution, according to the vet, is to build a temporary cage out of grates meant to be used for compost bins. We tied four grates together, and it truly looked like a cage. It was hard to imagine having Nysse stay in there for six weeks. But since the grates cost next to nothing, Eric went back and bought more, and constructed something of an indoor cat run. It’s still going to be a prison, but – at three times the size – a much nicer one than the original version.

And of course he won’t need to be in there all the time. We can take him out of there, and cuddle with him in the sofa or on the floor, as long as we keep him under close supervision to make sure there’s no jumping going on.