Autumn is not my favourite season, but I do love its colours. When I planned and planted the hedge, each bush’s autumn colours were a big part of my decision. There are spireas of several kinds with their interesting colour combinations (orange and purple!) and aronia bushes with brilliant red leaves and black berries. It looks colourful from afar, a bit scruffy when you get closer, and then stunning again when you get really close.

The cherry tree is apparently having one of its more colourful autumns this year. Photos can’t do it justice, but I keep trying anyway.

Actually we have three cherry trees. What “the cherry tree” refers to depends on the season. In the summer, it’s the one behind the house, with the sweet and juicy berries. (The others bear small, sour berries that we don’t pick or eat.) In the autumn, it’s the one in front of the house, with the fiery colours. The third tree is smaller and younger and less colourful. I even considered cutting it down because, honestly, how many cherry trees do you need in a garden? But I just couldn’t do it. Now I kind of think of it as a backup for the autumn tree, in case that one dies because of how many large branches and roots it lost when we had to dig up the water pipe.