The garden still has two large bare patches from when the water pipe was replaced. One from replacing the water pipe, and one from removing a concrete sewer access thing that stood in the middle of the front quarter of the garden. I’d started to plant bushes around that lump of concrete to try and hide and camouflage it. The idea of removing it had never occurred to me. But when the digger was here anyway, the workmen asked if I would like to be rid of the sewer access, and my answer was an immediate yes.

At first I was just going to sow grass in its place. I don’t know what I was thinking! this prime location, where the soil has now also been thoroughly tilled so it is easy to work with, deserves better than grass. Why would I want more grass in my garden, anyway?

I planted a witch hazel bush and some ferns and Epimediums, among other things. Given some time I hope this planting will grow into one whole with the hedge next to it.