Some fresh bookmarks from

  • Irritating brand names: Silly name, silly company, silly product? – There seems to be no end in sight to the tiresome habit of companies giving themselves and their products novelty names that contain unnecessary punctuation, bogus foreign accents and diacriticals, random use of capitals or lower-case letters, and so on.
  • Schneier on Security: Stuxnet – Bruce Schneier's comments on the Stuxnet worm.
  • Bizarre sea slug is half plant, half animal – Not only does E. chlorotica turn sunlight into energy — something only plants can do — it also appears to have swiped this ability from the algae it consumes.
  • Social Software: The Evaporative Cooling Effect – "The people who most want to meet people are the people who the least number of people want to meet. The people who are the most desperate to date are those who the least number of people want to date. The people who are the most eager to talk are the ones who the least number of people are interested in hearing. It is the ignorance of this fundamental principle that I see at the heart of so many failed social software designs."
  • Putting your hand in the Large Hadron Collider – Several physicists weigh in on what would happen if you were to place your hand in the proton stream of the Large Hadron Collider. The responses range from "nothing" to "you'd die for sure, instantly".