As Blump grows in size and strength, s/he also learns new things. A week or two ago, I felt odd rhythmic movements – sort of like heartbeats, but far too strong and too slow for a real heartbeat. I couldn’t figure out what Blump was up to, but then a while later I read that babies can have hiccups even before birth, so I guess that’s what they were.

Blump has also learned to express his/her dissatisfaction through vigourous kicking. Occasionally I’ve lain on the wrong side or at the wrong angle, which has somehow made Blump uncomfortable. Maybe s/he has ended up lying on an arm, or with a leg in a twist… don’t know. But the feedback has been very clear: Blump thrashes around so the position becomes really uncomfortable for me as well, at which point I turn the other side and we’re both happy again.

The movements have also become a lot more distinct. Sometimes I can look at my belly and see one side bulge out, and then see the bulge move across the belly, or see the belly stretch with a kick or an elbow jab. It really does look just like the Alien movies.