Well, it took me a bit more than a day to get back to a computer, but here I am now.

We spent Saturday and Sunday in Kaunispe, doing the sort of things that one tends to do in the country: walks in the woods, playing and swimming at the beach (cold!), lazing around under the apple tree, eating gooseberries from the bush. Plus, of course, the sort of things that one tends to do with a small baby: feeding, cleaning, washing and putting to bed.

Monday morning we started back towards Tartu, and most of the rest of the day was spent driving.

Tuesday (today) I made a brief shopping expedition in the morning (children’s books and DVDs). Then during the day I met my three oldest friends, whom I have known since I was about 3 years old. We all lived in the same block of flats, played together a lot and went to the same school as well.

Two of these friends now have children who are a few months older than Ingrid. I met them for the first time today. I had seen photos of both babies before, so even though I hadn’t actually met them they felt very familiar to me. It was interesting to see how much difference just a few months can make – although if I think back to what Ingrid was like a few months ago, it really was very different from her current self.

Tomorrow I will spend more time with the same friends. Thursday, on to Tallinn to meet another old friend, and Friday back home.