Day trip from Vistas to Nallo and back, 9 + 9 km.

The route from Vistas to Nallo goes along Stuor Reaiddávággi, a broad and empty valley. Apart from the birch forest at the very beginning near Vistas, there is just snow, a very few rocks, and tall, very “mountain-shaped” mountains. There is not much for the eye to hold on to, especially in cloudy weather. The path is also quite straight and even, so this is an almost meditative trip. I made the most of it by staying at the head of the group as much as possible, so I could really see nothing but mountains and snow.

It’s gently uphill all the way to the Nallo hut and obviously equally gently downhill all the way back. A thin layer of fresh soft snow made skiing easy. We also had a slight headwind in the morning, which grew into a decently strong tailwind in the afternoon, so the trip back went much faster.

When we were nearing Vistas again, we stopped for a mountain safety exercise. We practised setting up bothy bags and digging a snow cave.