How do people fit in their beds?

I am a woman of average length. 167 cm to be precise, which is the average in Sweden.

I have a standard-sized bed. Lengthwise, at least, it’s the standard 200 cm. The width is way beyond any standards since we have assembled a generous 250 cm family bed for ourselves.

But this standard-sized woman barely fits in this standard-sized bed. My pillow is pushed all the way to the top edge, and my feet reach the other end.

I like lying flat and straight in my bed when sleeping. When I’ve just gotten into bed I may curl up or cuddle up to Eric or shift around and turn from one side to the other. But when it’s time to fall asleep, I turn to my back and straighten out. There’s just enough space for this.

How do all the tall men fit into their beds? Do they lie diagonally? Do their feet stick out? Do they all sleep on their side?

A mystery.