This morning I took Adrian to my workplace, both to get used to the idea of going back to work on Monday, and to show my colleagues what I’ve been doing all this time. Apart from me it’s an all-male team, and all of the guys but one are around 30 and childless. They live very different lives from mine and I don’t think they can relate at all to what it is like to have a baby. It will be interesting to see them become parents (which I think they all will do, sooner or later).

After preschool we took the train to town to buy shoes for Ingrid. It’s a bit crowded on the train in late afternoon, with people heading home from work, but I wanted to get this done before I go back to work. Wait until too late in the season, and you may find that the shoes you want are not available in the right size any more.

Ingrid tried on a pair of sandals with some sort of glittery flowers and liked them. Walked around and confirmed that they were comfortable. Then the shop assistant brought out another pair, with violet hearts that blink as you walk, and as soon as Ingrid had seen those, she said the other ones were not at all comfortable, they hurt her feet! Oh she could absolutely not wear them any more. So we bought sandals with blinky hearts. Whoever invented blinky shoes must surely be a multimillionaire now.

Two more wasps in the kitchen. They must be living in the wall somewhere.