There’s a small eatery on our street, about a third of the way from home to the T-bana station. Ingrid passes it several times a week, if not quite daily. For the first few weeks of April, just after we’d moved here, we would often see a big shaggy dog sit just outside the entrance. Perhaps it belonged to a friend of the owner? Who knows.

Ingrid was very interested in the dog. She hadn’t seen many dogs or cats in England, so the multitudes of animals she could see everywhere in Stockholm really caught her attention, and this one was better than most because it was so big. She’d point it out every time we passed.

After those few weeks we didn’t see the dog there again, but every time we come home from the T-bana, she still points at the spot where the dog used to sit, and says “auh” (which is the sound that Estonian dogs make). Two months later she still hasn’t forgotten about it! And people say young children have short memories.