I read in a blog that today is Mother Tongue Day (emakeelepäev) in Estonia.

I feel my mother tongue slipping away, ever so slowly, as I get little daily exposure to Estonian. It used to be that I didn’t ever need to think about grammar or wording. Now I find myself unsure. Can I say this? Is this a real Estonian expression or am I just translating from Swedish or English?

And all those new words they come up with all the time. “Jätkusuutlik”, and “tasalülitus”. Or perhaps they always existed but I never read texts with such fancy words as a teenager?

Nevertheless, at some very deep level Estonian remains my mother tongue. I couldn’t speak any other language with Ingrid without it feeling forced and false. I am Estonian; it is natural that I speak Estonian with my child. I hope she grows to like Estonian and won’t find it frustrating that she has to speak a different language with me.

Resolution: I will start commenting regularly on the Estonian blogs I read. I will pipe up as soon as I can think of something (anything!) to say.