How to know an interesting blog from a superficial one

Rule #1: if the blogger posts blog memes, which are basically a blog version of chain mail, it’s a superficial blog. When a blogger takes a break from whatever they normally post about just to gigglingly follow the latest, coolest meme about something completely inane, such as “5 things you didn’t know about me” or “13 strange things I own” etc etc, I drop it from my list of blogs. It tells me that the blogger is more concerned with what other bloggers think about them than with their topic. I don’t want to read an overgrown teenager’s scrapbook; I want content.

Of course, a blog that specialised in memes would be a different thing. Same for a blog specialising in daily revealing new strange things about the writer. Basically, a good blogger is consistent: decides what s/he wants to write about, and then sticks to that.

And again I have to admit I don’t do that myself, but on the other hand I don’t write for my readers. (Sorry.) I mostly write for myself. This post is a case in point; this whole meme thing has been irritating me for a while and I just wanted to get it off my mind. So there.